The Secret Yoyo Strategy I Use For Every Contest.

By Xavier Ng

Hey, this is Xavier Ng.

OFFSET team member and 3-time Singapore yoyo champion.

I've been keeping this yoyo strategy to myself for months.

Never shared it with friends or teammates.

But after my Stronger Yoyo Cup win last month, too many people have been asking:

"How did you make that epic yoyo routine?"

(Watch my Stronger Yoyo Cup win below before reading the rest)


It's time I want to share this secret.

(Do whatever you want with this knowledge, this is my subjective opinion & what I've learned.)

There's something happening in my freestyles that has nothing to do with my tricks.

A strategy that's helped me create impactful freestyles over and over.

I shouldn't be telling you this...

But it feels wrong keeping it to myself.

It's about your music choice.

Everyone focuses on tricks, trick transitions, stage movement.

But your SONG?

That's the secret weapon most competitors completely miss.

Here's my KEY for picking the perfect freestyle song:

It MUST have a nostalgic element.

Let me Explain.

For my winning routine at the Stronger yoyo cup, why did I use a Transformers song? Why did I include Optimus Prime voice lines?

This wasn't random.

Everyone in our generation grew up with Transformers.

Those movies. Those characters. That voice.
When the crowd hears "Autobots, roll out!" something magical happens.

  • It triggers an emotional response.
  • It brings back childhood memories.
  • It creates an instant connection.

Suddenly, they're not just watching tricks to a random song. They're feeling something.

And when people FEEL something during your routine?

They remember it forever.

Look at the evidence:

Why did 2nd place at Worlds 2023 (Ryuichi Nakamura) use a Darth Vader themed song?

Why did 1st place at Worlds 2023 & 2024 (Mir Kim) pick Michael Jackson songs?

Because these cultural touchpoints live in everyone's hearts.

Listen to their crowd reactions...

Three times louder than any other freestyle.

Yes, your tricks matter.

But the right song amplifies those tricks into unforgettable ones.

So ask yourself this:

"What song would make everyone in the audience feel something instantly?"

A cartoon from your childhood? A movie everyone has seen? An artist everyone knows?

Find something that taps into shared memories.

The right song will make your routine 10x more powerful.

Your tricks might impress judges.

But the right music will make them remember you forever.

Apply this strategy to your next freestyle.

Watch what happens.

My competitive years are coming to an end, so I want to start leaving as much of my competitive yoyo expertise and knowledge to the next generation of yoyo players.

If you want personal tailored guidance from me, book a yoyo lesson with me below.


Let me know what you want to learn from me in my Instagram DMs & I might write another blog about it.


Book a yoyo lesson with me hereBOOK A LESSON

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