OFFSET is a yoyo brand started by Brandon Vu. You might have seen him on YouTube doing insane yoyo tricks. He made OFFSET to help people get really good at yoyoing.

Brandon started this little business back in 2020 amidst COVID. Making videos, tuning yoyos and shipping packages all from his small apartment. He's come a long way.

At OFFSET, we're more than just yoyos. We're a family. When you join us, you become part of a big, friendly group that loves yoyoing just like you.

Our Mission is to inspire & empower the next generation of competitive yoyoers through relentless innovation. We want to build a fun community where everyone can get better and enjoy yoyoing together.

We care about every person who joins our yoyo family. Buying a yoyo from us helps Brandon make more yoyo videos. This way, more people can see how fun yoyoing is.
Even following OFFSET's & Brandon's social media will support us immensely. Thank you.
OFFSET is a yoyo brand started by Brandon Vu. You might have seen him on YouTube doing insane yoyo tricks. He made OFFSET to help people get really good at yoyoing.
Brandon started this little business back in 2020 amidst COVID. Making videos, tuning yoyos and shipping packages all from his small apartment. He's come a long way.
At OFFSET, we're more than just yoyos. We're a family. When you join us, you become part of a big, friendly group that loves yoyoing just like you.
Our Mission is to inspire & empower the next generation of competitive yoyoers through relentless innovation. We want to build a fun community where everyone can get better and enjoy yoyoing together.
We care about every person who joins our yoyo family. Buying a yoyo from us helps Brandon make more yoyo videos. This way, more people can see how fun yoyoing is.
Even following OFFSET's & Brandon's social media will support us immensely. Thank you.